Section 1 Introduction
Section 2 General
Organization of Art. 4, Use Regulations
Section 1 Identify
the Site Location, Zoning District and FLU Designation
Section 2 Identify
the Overlay of the Site
Section 3 Zoning District Consistency with FLU Designation
Section 4 Determine
the Proposed Use
Section 5 Determine
the Approval Process
Section 6 Determine
General and Supplemental Use Standards
Section 7 Determine
the Applicable Development Thresholds
Section 8 Other Factors
that May Affect the Approval Process
1 Introduction
As established by
Art. 4.A.1, the Zoning Director shall maintain and publish a User Guide to assist
the public with applicability of Art. 4, Use Regulations, which includes
determining the appropriate use type that is allowed in each Zoning District,
identify all applicable standards related to the use, and Thresholds that may
trigger additional levels of approvals, such as, DRO or Public Hearing.
The information
provided in this User Guide will offer general steps to follow when trying to
identify the use classification and approval process for a site in a specific
zoning district as follows:
· Identify the site
location and zoning district
· Identify the Future
Land Use (FLU) designation of the site
· Identify if the site
is located in an Overlay
ULDC Art. 3.A.3, Zoning District
Consistency with the Future Land Use Atlas (FLUA)
· Check that the zoning
district is consistent with the FLU designation
· Determine the
proposed use function
ULDC Art. 4, Use Regulations
· Determine the approval
process for the proposed use
· Check the Use Matrix
footnote to determine the “Use approval process key”.
· Determine if there
are General Standards applicable to all uses in the classification and Supplementary
Standards specific to the use.
· Determine if there
are applicable thresholds specific to the use.
· Identify additional
factors to be considered when determining uses approval process
Section 2 General
Organization of Art. 4, Use Regulations
A. Uses
are grouped in Art. 4, Use Regulations, by classifications as follows:
1. Residential;
2. Commercial;
3. Recreation;
4. Institutional,
Public and Civic;
5. Industrial;
6. Agricultural;
7. Utilities;
8. Transportation;
9. Commercial
Communication Towers;
10. Excavation;
11. Temporary.
B. Each
use classification includes the following:
1. Use Matrix
The Use Matrix consolidates use approvals in standard zoning districts,
Planned Development Districts (PDDs), Traditional Development Districts (TDDs),
and two Overlays; Urban Redevelopment Area Overlay (URAO) and Infill
Redevelopment Overlay (IRO). Each Matrix
identifies uses in alphabetical order, zoning districts, and approval processes. The number in the "Supplementary Use
Standard" column of the Use Matrix refers to the definition and
Supplementary Use Standards applicable to each use.
2. General Standards
This portion includes requirements that are applicable to all
uses under the specific Use Classification.
3. Definitions and Supplementary Use
Each use includes a definition and multiple Supplementary Use
Standards organized to be consistent with the order in which site plans are typically
reviewed. Example of standards include: Approval Process, Tier, Overlay, Future
Land Use (FLU) Designation, Zoning District, and Lot Size.
Index of Interactive URL to be used with
this User Guide
Zoning Web page:
B. MyGeoNav
map system:
ezInfo page:
Section 1 Identify
the Site Location, Zoning District and Future Land Use (FLU) Designation
Identify the site location and current zoning district
for the specific site by following these simple steps:
A. Begin
by accessing MyGeoNav online
navigation map at

B. Add
GIS layers by clicking on
and see the drop down menu with default
layers. Check
Zoning and Future Land Use
C. Locate
the site by entering the address
D. User will be able to locate the existing
Zoning District and click on the Future Land Use (FLU) for the current Site
Zoning District and FLU.
Section 2 Identify
the Overlay of the Site
Overlay provisions contained in Art. 3 of the ULDC,
prevail over other regulations in the Code.
Checking the Overlay will provide additional information related to
approval process, specific use regulations, site design requirements or
additional requirements only applicable in parcels located in the Overlay.
To identify the Overlay, login to the ezInfo
database, which can be accessed through the Zoning Web site at
A. Using the PZB Website ezInfo; click on link.

B. Enter
the site information into the “Property Information” screen as indicated below.

C. From
the results screen as below, click on tab labeled “LAND USE”
D. Take
note of the Zoning District, FLU and Overlay assigned to the Site.

Section 3 Zoning
District Consistency with FLU Designation
Ensure the Zoning District of the property is
consistent with the FLU designation.
Article 3.A.3, Zoning District Consistency with the Future Land Use
Atlas (FLUA) indicates such consistency.
That article includes tables for Standard zoning districts, Planned
Development Districts (PDDs) and Traditional Development Districts (TDDs), that
help identify consistency with FLU designations; Exceptions and limitations
applicable to specific zoning districts; and, exceptions for prior approvals.
If the zoning district is not consistent with
the FLU designation, a rezoning will be required. Ensure the

zoning district to which the site will be rezoned
still allows the use of your interest.
Section 4 Determine
the Proposed Use
user shall determine the proposed use for the subject site based on the
following definitions that describe the use functionality:
A. Principal
As defined in Art. 1, a Principal use is “the primary and
major purpose for which land or building is used as allowed by the applicable
Zoning District.” Only those Uses
listed within the use matrices in Art. 4 Use Regulations, may be considered a
principal use. A site may have more than
one principal use.
B. Collocated
As defined in Art.1, a Collocated use is referred to as “two
or more uses classified with the definition of a use listed in Article 4.B.”
Some principal uses that are not
normally allowed within a Zoning District, as noted in the Use Matrices, may be
allowed as a collocated use if, expressly stated under the Supplementary Use
Standards. All collocated uses are
required to comply with all of the Supplemental Use Standards applicable to the
C. Accessory
As defined by Art. 1, “a permitted use that is customarily
associated with the principal use and clearly incidental to the principal use,
and is subordinate in area, extent, or purpose to and serves only the principal
use.” Uses not allowed in a Zoning
District shall not be accessory to a principal use unless stated otherwise in
the Supplementary Use Standards of the use intended to be accessory. Additional accessory use limitations and
requirements are contained in Art. 5.B, Accessory Uses and Temporary
D. Flex Space
Flex space is only
allowed when approved in accordance with Art. 5.B.1.C, Flex Space.
1. Limited
office or retail opportunities are provided in industrial zoning districts
where otherwise prohibited, or
2. Limited
type of industrial uses are allowed in commercial zoning districts consistent
with the CH FLU designation.
Section 5 Determine the Approval Process
The following steps
will assist you in determining the approval process for the proposed use:
A. Refer
to the index on the first few pages of ULDC Article 4, Use Regulation to
identify what classification includes the use in question.
The Interactive ULDC Article 4 can be accessed by visiting where all ULDC articles are available in
All articles are also available in pdf at
B. Keep
in mind the corresponding page number for the Use Matrix and the page number
for the specific Supplementary Use Standards.
C. The
Use Matrix consolidates standard zoning districts, Planned Development
Districts (PDDs), and Traditional Development Districts (TDDs). It also includes approvals for uses in the
Urban Redevelopment Area (URA) Overlay and Infill Redevelopment Area (IRO)
D. Refer
to the Institutional, Public and Civic Use Matrix and locate the row
where the use is listed to determine approval processes applicable to the use
in the different zoning districts.

E. Once the use is identified in the Use Matrix,
look for the approval process applicable to the zoning district (determined in Sections
1 and 2) of the intended site to locate the use.

F. Check the Process Key at the bottom of each
Use Matrix to find out the meaning of each approval process letter.

G. There
are various processes to obtaining approval for specific Uses that are
identified by the letters (P,S,D,B,A) or dash (-) under each zoning district.
An expanded definition for each approval process can be found in the ULDC
Article 4.A.7.C
The Use Matrix shows the most restrictive approval process; some uses
may be shown as prohibited but the Supplementary Use Standards may allow the
use limited to specific provisions or thresholds. -
H. Zoning
applications for use approval as noted in the Use Matrices, can be as follows:
Public Hearings - Conditional Uses A and B
Administrative Approval - DRO (D) and Special Permit
I. Prohibited
uses (indicated with a dash) are not allowed in the Zoning District unless the
Supplementary Use Standard indicates an approval process based on specific
thresholds or design standards.
J. Uses
noted in the Use Matrix as Permitted by Right (P) are subject to Building
Permit, Business Tax Receipt (BTR) or similar process.
In some
cases, the Supplementary Use Standard indicates a lower level of approval is
permitted when the use is subject to specific requirements, such as but not
limited to, lot size or building square footage.
Section 6 Determine General and Supplementary Use Standards
A. General
standards are in addition to the specific ones listed under each use.
B. Supplementary Use Standards
The uses
identified in the Matrices may have additional standards that must be satisfied
in order for a use to be considered for approval. In each Matrix next to the use of interest is
a number that corresponds to the specific Supplementary Use Standards.
In the electronic version of the ULDC as well as in
ePZB the number is also a hyperlink to the use definition and Supplementary Use
Standards in Article 4.
Supplementary Use Standards section includes:
1. Use Definition:
Read carefully the specificity in the use definition as it may include
aspects that make the use different from other uses, particularly those of
similar nature.
2. Typical
Many uses include a section titled “Typical Uses”, which is a list of
similar uses designed to assist the reader in identifying business activities
or operations that fit within the definition of the principal use.
3. Standards:
Mostly organized in the common form in which a site plan is
revised and following the order of standards contained in the different
articles of the ULDC, the standards include regulations for nonconformities,
approval process, tier, Overlay, FLU designation, zoning district, location,
lot size, setbacks, separation, building area, building height, collocated or
accessory use, accessory structures, architecture, nuisances, parking,
landscaping, signage, and others, typically labeled with terms specific to the
Section 7 Determine the applicable Development Thresholds
The user shall
verify if there are any additional requirements for approval in the specific
Supplementary Use Standards including thresholds such as building square
footage, frontage or location to mention some.
Requirements under Article
4.A.9, Development Thresholds; need to be considered at all times. If any development triggers those thresholds
the approval of the use or uses may be different than the one shown in the Use
Section 8 Other
Factors that May Affect the Approval Process
The user should determine if there are other factors that
may affect the proposed use approval. The list below is not definite and
further discussion with the zoning division staff may assist in identifying
other requirements in accordance with the ULDC.
Some factors to consider are:
Variance relief from any of the requirements
or standards of Article 4 shall be prohibited unless expressly stated otherwise
Uses in Airport Zones may be further
restricted or subject to special regulations as specified in Article 16, Airport
Specific Regulations shall apply in certain
Zoning Districts, as specified under Art. 3.D.3, Zoning District Specific
Uses not specifically listed in the Use
Matrices but consistent with the definition of a listed use, may be classified
by the Executive Director of PZB pursuant to Article 1.B, Interpretation of the
All uses shall comply with all requirements of
the ULDC unless expressly exempted otherwise.
addition to the standards noted in Art. 4, uses are also subject to other
requirements in the Code such as Parking, Signage, Landscaping or specific
regulations that relate to Overlays, Planned Development District or
Traditional Development Districts, depending on the use location.
The Zoning Division
may be able to clarify any additional requirements or concerns regarding the
application process or any ULDC requirements for the proposed use.